You can cut all the flowers but you can’t keep Spring from coming….Paublo Nerudo

Hello, stitching friends.

It’s been a while since my last post.  Don’t think I have forgotten you.  Never!  🙂

I have finished another one of my Christmas stitcheries and am so happy with it.  I am working on another and am close to completing it.  I think when I finish this one, I am going to work on some nautical themed patterns.  But I write that today…when the time comes, who knows what pattern will jump out of my stash saying “Pick me, Pick me”!  I keep saying I am NOT going to buy any more patterns because I have more than I can possibly stitch in my lifetime.  I can’t bring myself to part with any of them…..I love them all.  ❤   AND, I’m expecting a new chart in the mail any day.

ME:    Hello.  My name is Kim and I am a stitch-o-holic. 

YOU:  Hello, Kim.  Welcome to our group.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, so I’m told.

With spring in the air, I have chosen for you a lovely chart that reminds me of Spring/Summer.  This is called simply ‘Rasapberries’ and is again generously donated by Kissy Cross.  I think it would make a lovely pinkeep or would be beautiful in a whitewashed frame with a mat to match the color of the berries.  You can choose your own colors for the raspberries but I suggest that you choose two colors that are within one or two numbers of each other.  (ie  230 and 231 or 232).  This will give you the subtle shadings that look so beautiful and add dimension to your project.  I suggest the same thing for the leaves. 

raspberry freebie

Remember, right click, copy, open new window, paste.

Until next time, keep stitchin’, keep smilin’, and most importantly, be kind to each other.

Peace and all good things.


The Princes









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